12 December 2009

been there, done that.

[got the tattoo]

it was quite an experience.
at about 5 minutes into it I started feeling woozy. I asked for a break. then I felt really sick. the tattoo artist gave me a lollipop and said "eat this -- you'll feel better with the sugar." I bit into it - lollipop flew everywhere. I laid down on the table - right into the lollipop. Tattoo artist and husband picking lollipop out of my hair. I started to sweat and felt better immediately [this has happened to be before..okay. several times. everytime I get a shot this flight or fight reaction kicks in]. Tattoo artist put cold washcloth on my neck. Tattoo artist took a 5 minute smoke break while I regrouped. He came back upstairs and was happy to see color in my face and normal sized pupils. he finished the outline, colored it in, gave me my care instructions, and sent us on our way.



  1. Love it!!! I'm so glad you decided to get one...very cool!

  2. woah! didn't realize that you were going to get one. that's quite the experience you had getting that thing, looks great!

  3. Looks great! Is that your right hip? I remember when you were debating the location and I was just curious how you made your decision ... I am still on the fence ...

  4. Only 20 IMs to go and you will have a nice belt!!!

  5. Ha, I love you...you complete your first IM, no biggie. First tattoo = nearly passing out. You are a riot! :D

  6. you go girl! Nice job...Cant wait til I earn my badge!

  7. awesome, you deserve it, cant wait to get mine. oh yeah, i havent done my IM yet. that will be 2011.

  8. I love that you can do an Ironman and the tattoo needle makes you sick! We all have our little things that make us squirm...me I hate snakes.

  9. brilliant work!!! i've got tatts and my husband isn't keen at all --> unfortunately for him i've got a circle on my back which is DESPERATE to turn into an MDot post ironman. i'm keeping this from him, of course.

  10. Of course I love it! I'm still not quite used to it, but everyday I notice it a little less! It's faaaabulous! You'rs looks great! I may color mine in someday, but for now, I'm a weenee with just the black outline...

  11. I can't wait to get mine. I think I will put mine on my calf though.
